Posted: August 16th, 2017

When the nurse observes the patient’s urine to be orange, she further assesses the patient for

When the nurse observes the patient’s urine to be orange, she further assesses the patient for
a) intake of medication such as phenytoin (Dilantin).
Urine that is orange may be caused by intake of Dilantin or other medications. Orange to amber colored urine may also indicate concentrated urine due to dehydration or fever.
b) bleeding.
Urine that is pink to red may indicate lower urinary tract bleeding.
c) intake of multiple vitamin preparations.
Urine that is bright yellow is an anticipated abnormal finding in the patient taking a multiple vitamin preparation.
d) infection.
Yellow to milky white urine may indicate infection, pyruria, or in the female patient, the use of vaginal creams.

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