Posted: September 9th, 2015

PE ratios of twitter (TWTR) to Facebook (FB)

Go to the following link and read the article by Heidi Moore regarding the Twitter IPO. If the link doesn’t work for you, do a google search of “Twitter IPO Explained” and select the Heidi Moore article.

Answer the following questions completely. Your answers need to be typed, single –space, arial font and proofed for grammar and spelling. Do not retype the questions, simply number your answers. Include BUS 110 Assignment 1 Twitter IPO in your heading, along with your name and the date. Cite your sources when asked. Responses without sourcing will receive a zero score, with no resubmission allowed. Partial answers to questions will receive a zero score, with no resubmission allowed. Separate your answers with new paragraphs. Break up long answers into separate paragraphs.

Using your own words, what is the role of an ‘underwriter’ when a company does an IPO? Keep your answer to a maximum of 15 lines and three paragraphs, and cite your source(s).
What types of ‘powerful investors ‘ (aka ‘institutional investors’) does the company pitch to during the their road show (name at least two different types of ‘powerful investor’ categories).
Look at a current stock quote of twitter (stock symbol TWTR) using , or a stock quote site of your choice.
Who are the top five ‘fund owners’ listed under the ‘ownership’ section of the stock quote (scroll down the quote to find the ownership information)?
How many shares are outstanding (look to the income statement section of the quote for this information).
Going back to the ‘Ownership’ section of the stock quote, find the top five individual investors (insiders) who own shares of twitter stock.
Compare the PE ratios of twitter (TWTR) to Facebook (FB) and one other social media stock that is publicly traded. Do NOT use Linkedin as your third choice. Using pe ratio as your guide, which stock would you purchase and why?

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