Posted: September 13th, 2017

Professional Practice essay

Professional Practice essay

This assessment asks you to reflect critically on the core themes discussed in the literature and in class discussions and to devise a learning plan for your continuing professional development on assessment. This will involve several steps:
1. *Identify a current assessment practice at an institutional or learning event level with which you are or have been involved; or would like to know more about.* Use this as a concrete example to help you make focused recommendations and discussions. The practice itself is not the subject of the assessment task.

2. *Draw on at least four of the following conceptual resources from the subject and readings to help you develop your critical reflection, and rationale for your learning plan. *You should define the concepts you use and draw on the literature to explain why you think these are significant for assessing learning in your context and for your development. These concepts could include:
• Your current assessment epistemology
• Assessment as a social practice
• Assessment and communities of practice
• Models of learning
• Assessment strategies
• Assessment for learning, of learning and as learning
• Formative assessment
• Assessment judgment
• Assessment ethics
• Assessment equality
• Assessment subjectivity

3. * Interview at least one key stakeholder –another teacher, learner or assessment manager – involved in the assessment practice to ask them what they think makes an effective assessor, using ideas from the subject to scope your questions.

4. *Devise a practicable action plan of steps to enhance your own assessment practice. *Show how this action plan is informed by reading and your interview. *Explain why these steps are priorities for you. *Identify how you can get practical support or resources to meet these development priorities.The bulk of the plan can go in an appendix as it is the discussion of the plan and its relation to readings that is most important for assessment purposes.

• You demonstrate an understanding of the subject content and appropriate application of it to the assessment task at a standard commensurate with postgraduate higher degree level of study.

• Your work should be expressed clearly, with relevance and insight, in correct English andstructured so that your arguments are clear.
• You submit your written work on time, it is of appropriate length as specified in the word limits, is properly formatted and proofread.

• You should demonstrate a close reading of subject readings and readings beyond that provided in the guide. You need to use these readings to define core terms, to identify what is deemed to be significant in relation to assessing learning and to reflect critically on your development priorities.
• You should evidence multiple sources of data in your analysis of your development plan including literature and interviews.

• Your plan should be meaningful, insightful, concrete and realistic and offer practicable goals and assessments.

Note: I am a mathematics teacher for high school
Educational assessment in Saudi Arabian high schools is by school examinations
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