Posted: February 11th, 2015

Projec Management

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



This are the 5 materials {writeup framework} that should be guide to this 10-12 page Surgico paper write up. the slides {#3 and more importantly slide #8} are included in this write up framework too !!

The first document attached is very important as it gives the specific details of the guidelines and framework of the write up. The sources used for the write up will be from internet researches from specific referenced companies i.e.

1. Sawbones, Connex 3D, Stratysys, Johnson & Johnson, Styker orthopaedics etc.
2. the 3 financial statements with projections attached
3 the 2nd attachment below –> the Surgico project mgmt. Story.doc.docx

DEADLINES: The work is to be done in 10 -12 days to give ample time BUT I will need a rough draft sent to me in 4-5 days November 17th or 18th.

Should there be any further questions for clarification, please let me know asap.

Also please confirm the receipt of all these 5 relevant documents sent out to Mr Ryan Davis

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