Posted: August 19th, 2015

sexual harassment training program

sexual harassment training program

Write a summary in which you recommended a training method for each of the learning objectives that you have identified for your training program. Based on your choices for each learning objective, you determined what training method you will use for the training program overall.For this assignment, develop your Unit 5 summary into a lesson plan for your proposed training program. Use Table 8-2, “Components of Instructional Strategy” from your text as a guide for developing the lesson plan.
Title of Training Program
Start by briefly reminding your reader of the specific title of your training program to help put the contents of this paper into perspective. For instance, This paper will develop a lesson plan for a sexual harassment training program.
Develop a timeline for your training program.
Learning Objectives
List each learning objective.
Training Methods Rationale and Selection
Possible Selections. Describe two potential training methods you considered for each of your learning objectives.
Selection.Identify the training method you selected/ recommend for each objective.Recall thateach objective should begin with a Bloom’s taxonomy action verb (search the Internet, using the key words “Bloom’s taxonomy action verbs).
EXAMPLE:Using the Bloom’s action verb *apply*, here’s an example of an objective:
OBJECTIVE: Apply Microsoft Suite programs to efficiently and effectively communicate with all employees and team members throughout the organization with 98% or better proficiency.
Looking at the Bloom’s action verbs, notice that the word apply is a higher-order thinking skill, which suggests that participants have already acquired the prior knowledge and comprehension (lower-order thinking skills) to get to the application level. The action verb synthesizecould also be effective, here, which is a few levels up from the application level of higher-order thinking skills. Also note that a quantitatively measurable objective (i.e., 98% or better proficiency) is incorporated into the objective.
Explain. Explain why you chose these training methods.
Pros. Analyze the pros of each method.
Cons. Analyze the cons of each method.
Articulate. the effectiveness of each training method on a trainee’s motivation to learn.
Training Activities
Identify your training activities and link them to the learning objectives.
Overall Training Method
Describe the method of training you selected for your training topic overall.Explain why you recommend the training method you chose for your training program overall.
Practice and Feedback
Describe how practice and feedback are incorporated in your lesson plan to measure the transfer of learning.

Assignment Instructions u06a1
In the Unit 5 project study, you wrote a summary in which you recommended a training method for each of the learning objectives that you have identified for your training program. Based on your choices for each learning objective, you determined what training method you will use for the training program overall.
For this assignment, develop your Unit 5 summary into a lesson plan for your proposed training program. Use Table 8-2, “Components of Instructional Strategy” from your text as a guide for developing the lesson plan. Include the following in your lesson plan:
•    Develop a timeline for your training program.
•    List each learning objective.
•    Identify the training method you recommend for each objective.
•    Identify your training activities and link them to the learning objectives.
•    Describe the method of training you selected for your training topic overall.
•    Describe how practice and feedback are incorporated in your lesson plan to measure the transfer of learning.
Write a rationale for your lesson plan, including the following:
•    Describe the two potential training methods you considered for each of your learning objectives.
•    Explain why you chose these training methods and analyze the pros and cons of each method.
•    Articulate the effectiveness of each training method on a trainee’s motivation to learn.
•    Explain why you recommend the training method you chose for your training program overall.
Assignment Requirements
•    Written communication: Write in a professional style with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
•    Resources: Include at least 1 peer-reviewed resource that is not from ATD or SHRM.
•    APA formatting: Use APA (6th edition) style and formatting to present your references and citations.
•    Length of paper: 8–10 typed, double-spaced pages.
•    Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Submit both your lesson plan and your rationale for this assignment.

Articulates the training methods for each learning objective in a lesson plan, using course materials to support statements.

Illustrates the pros and cons of training methods for each learning objective, using research to support statements.

Recommends and summarizes a training method for each learning objective, using research to support statements.

Analyzes methods of training for a selected training topic, using course materials and/or research to support statements.

Analyzes the effectiveness of each training method on a trainee’s motivation to learn, using course materials and/or research to support statements.

Links training activities to learning objectives, including a rationale for their use in the program.

Analyzes how practice and feedback are incorporated to measure the transfer of learning, using course materials and/or research to support statements.

Develops a timeline for a training program, including a rationale for the activity timing.

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