Posted: September 13th, 2017

Strategic for leadership

Case # 1 1. ( Indra Nooyi )What type of leader is?

  1. Explain the theory ,what I’ve chosen ?
  2. Strength / weakness / threats / opportunities ( SWOT)
  3. What strength she has?

Case # 2

  1. (SWOT) for Male and Female ?
  2. What research predicting ?
  3. How it is applicable in your organization ?
  4. What you predicting 5. Glass ceiling thought from your minds ?
  5. Best theories can be applied?
  6. How it can be applied in future in businesses ?

Case # 3

  1. Like many leaders, Marco has a team in place and does not have the luxury of building a new team to adapt to the changing business environment his firm now faces . Use the TLM to help Marco diagnose the problems faced by the firm and identify leverage points for change.
  2. Consider the major functions of the TLM – input, process, and output . where do most of the firm’s challenges fall?
  3. What are the team’s goals for outputs ?
  4. Identify potential resources for Marco and his team in implementing a strategy to change the way they do business at Hernandez & Associates. General Question : Answer ( 100 – 150 ) words Evaluate various types of leadership styles and its impact on organizational culture ?

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