Posted: December 7th, 2013

Team Issues-PPT

 6 Power point slides (1 ea question), 200 words in speaker Notes each slide, 1 slide tiltle. 1 slide references (at least 4), total 6PPT slides.
Professional presentation skills and some artwork added
A key component of an effective workplace is the ability of the groups to successfully collaborate. Choose a work group within your organization. Using a model of organizational improvement, plan a development project for this group. Include responses to the following in your presentation:
  • Describe the group, its purpose (work function), how this group fits into the overall organization, its reporting relationships, and its key stakeholders.
  • How will you gather data (interviews, questionnaires, or group discussions) from the group and any key stakeholders?
  • Describe the type of data that you will need to design your development plan.
  • How will you diagnose the level of functioning for the group?
  • Give a few examples of developmental activities that you would use for various levels of functioning that are based on your diagnosis.
  • How would you communicate the progress of the group to both group members and key stakeholders?
You must include a minimum of 4 scholarly references.

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