Posted: September 21st, 2015

The ability of police to investigate major crimes.

It can be argued that the foundation for community support for law enforcement is in the trust built by faith that the police follow the law and adhere to the U.S. Constitution.

For example, criminal investigative questioning must be guided by Fourth Amendment search and seizure protections.

Harsh or questionable investigative methods may be unethical and illegal.
Discuss whether the concern for homeland security has redefined acceptable or ethical criminal investigative tactics used by law enforcement.

Explain what impact changes in criminal investigative techniques and methods may have on police-community relations, criminal prosecutions, and the ability of police to investigate major crimes.
The essay should be typed, double-spaced, be written in APA format, including in-text source citations, and use of a minimum of 4 sources found from outside the text or course lectures.

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