Posted: September 16th, 2017

The impact of any Organization that Adopt Cloud Computing from cost and data security

the impact of any Organization that Adopt Cloud Computing from cost and data security, I did the chapter 1,2,3 and need you to start from chapter 4.

Knowledge rehired for this dissertation is technology to know the cloud computing and financial management ( calculation and use the ratio)

Here is the requirement:

Chapter 4: Research Methods:
Research Methodology
Research Strategy
Research Paradigm
Analysing Data
Confidentiality, Ethics and Access
Primary Data – Case Study – Quantitative
Why case study and how data going to be collect from BBK & Zain-BH
Secondary Data- Interviews Structure and Questions — Qualitative
Why and how and what is the questions.
Chapter 5: Result and Analysis
Case study for BBK – Adopting the private or community cloud (up to you) discussing it from data security and cost saving — You will write it from your mind this case study not published– Using (NPV, IRR, ROI and other ratio)
Case study of Zain-BH- Adopting the private cloud discussing it from data security and cost saving — You will write it from your mind this case study not published — Using (NPV, IRR, ROI and other ratio)
Interview Results Summary

Chapter 6- Discussion
Chapter 7 Recommendation and Conclusion

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