Posted: September 14th, 2017

The Impact of In-store Displays on Category Sales and Brand Market Share in Online Stores in the context of Waitrose Supermarket (UK)

Seletced topic: The Impact of In-store Displays on Category Sales and Brand Market Share in Online Stores in the context of Waitrose Supermarket

Proposal has been done and have got feedback together in the file.

Please according to the rquirements and feedback write a 8000-10000 words dissertation.

Project Contents

The project should be 8,000 ? 10,000 words in length, excluding appendices.The final document should comprise the following headings and content :

The first page should be a title page containing:

? The name of the institution: Teesside University
? The School in which the work was undertaken: Teesside University Business School
? The full title of the project
? The full name of the author
? The qualification for which the project is submitted
? The module title and level of study (Level 6 Business Research & Project : Project)
? The month and year of submission

A templatefor the title page is included in the appendices to this documentand also on Blackboard. You can adapt this for your work.

Please note that if the project contains confidential information and cannot be made publicly available then the first page should be a statement to this effect, with details of the period to which it applies and why, on headed paper (normally from the organisation requiring the embargo), and signed by the supervisor.




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