Posted: September 18th, 2017


Chapter Four & Five & Six
Dear Writer,
Please read the instructions carefully, start the chapter 4, 5 & 6 for the research (4: findings & analysis, 5: result and discussion, 6: conclusions & Recommendations).
1- You have to read the first three chapters (attached), in orders to be able to write the last Two chapters using same concept, ideas, sequences..etc. By reading the first chapters you will form the idea to how you will write the rest of dissertation. And I need the last three chapters at same level, style … etc.
2- Present the result of the tests that you mentioned in chapter three. See below ‘quoted from previous chapter’;
(All the data collected was moved to SPSS for statistical analysis where various parametric and non-parametric experiments were conducted. The research used multiple regression analysis, t-tests as well as factor analysis to quantify and evaluate data. The SPSS facilitated in classification of information collected from questionnaires).
The result should be presented in a professional way with graphs and tables.
3- Survey done by monkey survey site, you find results, tables, graphs ..etc. You have to use them and refer to them in the paper.
User name: mr.alamer
Password: 1q2w3e4r
4- Note that: The responses for the survey are about 22, those who completed the survey maximum 16 person, so increase the number to be 160 person and refer to the result as percentages.
5- In chapter 5: you need to present the result that you get from the survey and compare it to the previous studies and discuss it. Use the references that were previously used in the literature review chapter.
6- Remember, No plagiarism. Paper will be tested by Turnitin.
7- Do not forget the table of content + list of table + list of graphs.
8- Requested references are 40, feel free to distribute the number among the 3 chapters.
9- Below 2 examples of table of content, an example of chapters style or if you have better style

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