Posted: February 12th, 2015

Transformational leadership and Innovation in United Arab Emirates (UAE) Government Sector.

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Title: Transformational leadership and innovation in United Arab Emirates (UAE) government sector.
This research paper based on Quantitative research paper
Follow only the bellow points of the research
1. Introduction
1.1. Significance of Study
1.2. Research Problem
1.3. Aim of the Research
1.4. Research Objectives
1.5. Research Questions
2. Literature Review and Hypothesis ( as per writer suggestion)
2.1. title 1
2.2. title2
etc. ……
2.3. Conceptual Framework
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Sample
3.2. Questionnaire Instrument
3.3. Measures
3.3.1. Dependent Variable
3.3.2. Independent Variables

– Design professional Questionnaire include to the writer work. (Look at the sample attached in appendix 1 for questionnaire sample)
– Don’t do the data analysis, finding, discussion and conclusion only the first parts of the research.
– Look at the sample research within order attachment.

Title: Transformational leadership and innovation in United Arab Emirates (UAE) government sector.


This research paper based on Quantitative research paper

Follow only the bellow points of the research


1………. Introduction

1.1.       Significance of Study

1.2.       Research Problem

1.3.       Aim of the Research

1.4.       Research Objectives

1.5.       Research Questions

2………. Literature Review and Hypothesis ( as per writer suggestion)

2.1.       title 1

2.2.       title2

etc. ……

2.3.       Conceptual Framework

3………. Research Methodology

3.1.       Sample

3.2.       Questionnaire Instrument

3.3.       Measures

3.3.1.           Dependent Variable

3.3.2.           Independent Variables 


  • Design professional Questionnaire include to the writer work. (Look at the sample attached in appendix 1 for questionnaire sample)
  • Don’t do the data analysis, finding, discussion and conclusion only the first parts of the research.
  • Look at the sample research within order attachment.

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