Posted: September 16th, 2017

Unit 4: Point of View Essay (3) – Assignment

Unit 4: Point of View Essay (3) – Assignment

You will have two tasks this unit:

1.)  Complete the last portion of the Point of View Paper.

2.)  Get feedback on your complete draft of Point of View Paper from an outside reader.

First, you’ll need to finish the assignment.

The last portion of this assignment is simple.  Reflect on what you’ve done.  Why does any of this matter?  How do these tools relate to other writing you’ve done, other writing you’ve read, etc.?  How does (or how will) any of this apply to you?

The Two Descriptions

1.)  Do the two descriptions offer contrasting impressions of your place, without changing the facts?

2.)  Do each of the descriptions incorporate all of the tools of the Writer’s Toolbox?  Are each of these rhetorical tools used to their fullest advantage?

3.)  Are both descriptions well-organized, and easy to follow?

The Rhetorical Analysis

1.)  Are each of the five rhetorical tools discussed?

2.)  Does each paragraph follow the claim-support structure, making a general claim that clarifies the feature to be discuss, and then offering examples of how the feature was used and to what effect?  Do these examples seem adequate and appropriate?

3.)  Are transitions used to move the reader from paragraph to paragraph?

The Reflection

1.)  Is the reflection at least one paragraph long, using appropriate transitions to move us from idea to idea?

2.)  Does the reflection offer a sense of why/how the concepts of this assignment matter, beyond the classroom setting?

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