Posted: September 16th, 2017

Video Reflection 1

Video Reflection 1

Follow the instructions to watch the video below. Then, write a reflection paper based on the
questions below of at least 1000 words. Use the Dropbox on eLearn to turn in your work.
Freedom on My Mind
Follow the instructions below to view the video through the library website:
1. Go to:
2. Click the link to view the video.
3. If necessary, enter your TigerWeb/eLearn user name and password.
This video lasts approximately 109 minutes. Please give yourself plenty of time to watch the
film, reflect on its content, and address the questions below.
Provide a detailed discussion of the following questions:
1. How did the film make you feel? Which particular events and/or individuals stuck out the
most to you?
2. What sorts of changes were the civil rights activists featured in the film trying to make?
3. How did they attempt to make these changes? What sorts of tactics and strategies did they
4. What sort of response did voter registration efforts receive in Mississippi? Be sure to note the
variation in responses within both black and white communities.
5. What sort of response did the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party receive at the
Democratic National Convention?
6. What sorts of social changes did the “Freedom Summer” campaign lead to? How did the
campaign change the volunteers themselves?
Here’s how you will be graded:
Answers questions completely and correctly, using sociological concepts: 80 points
Reflects on the personal experience of viewing the film: 10 points
Uses proper spelling and punctuation:

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