Posted: September 13th, 2017

What is media convergence and how is it impacting on the Australian media? Discuss, providing your own examples.

What is media convergence and how is it impacting on the Australian media? Discuss, providing your own examples.

Order Description

All essays should conform to general academic standards of presentation— spelling, syntax, paragraphs, introduction, main body, conclusion, and references. The title as set should appear on the first page, all pages numbered, and importantly your essay should be properly referenced throughout and must include a full list of references. Your essay should be typed/word-processed (1.5 or double-spaced lines). Remember to answer the question as set; don’t simply offload everything you may happen to know about the topic in hand! Obviously in answering your chosen essay question you should draw on subject themes, studies, theories, concepts and debates where relevant as well as possible other sources when useful to do so.

Number of references: 25 academic references at least
With 5 internet resources accepted at most.

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