Posted: May 29th, 2015

What role do leaders play in shaping events and directions? Do leaders really matter in politics?chosen the executive leadership as an prospective of leadership and Lee Kuan Yew and Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Almaktoum as an idols of this prospective


1. ORIENTATION: introductory sentence to establish relevance of the issue (perhaps a comment on what is going on today).

2. ARGUMENT: clear statement of case/purpose/response to essay question.

This essay will use the perspective Executive leadership

Two leaders will illustrate this argument: Lee Kuan Yew and Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Almaktoum . The essay will argue that the actions of this two leaders show two different paths to political change,

METHOD: explanation of why you chose those particular leaders – remember that there has to be a reason, which makes sense.

3. STRUCTURE: explicit outline of the evidence that will be presented and the way it is going to be used to support the argument stated above.


1. Start the essay by discussing the PERSPECTIVE of executive leadership
3. OVERVIEW of selected leaders: background, career, ideas, actions, impact. Keep these sections brief to ensure you have enough space for argument and analysis. Focus on those aspects which are going to be important to your analysis. We don’t need to know what they had for little lunch in prep.

4. DISCUSSION: how those actions and ideas affected their respective countries and what does their political trajectory say about your perspective more generally This is the key part of your essay where you have a chance to shine.


1. Restatement of case with a summary of the evidence and analysis presented. Relate your focused argument back to your answer to the broad questions.
2. Final reflections, for instance, what does the future hold for executive leaders

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