Posted: September 18th, 2017

Working on Sniffy program.

Working on Sniffy program.

In what ways did your performance demonstrate the procedure of shaping?

• Exercise 46: What were your criteria for success in shaping Sniffy’s face-wiping behaviour? How successful were you? In what ways did your performance demonstrate the procedure of shaping?

• Exercise 47: What were your criteria for success in shaping Sniffy’s rolling-over behaviour? How successful were you? In what ways did your performance demonstrate the procedure of shaping?

• Exercise 48: What other behaviour did you shape? How successful were you? In what ways did your performance demonstrate the procedure of shaping?

• Exercise 49: What do you consider the clearest evidence that shaping Sniffy to beg, face wipe, and roll affected the frequency of alternative behaviours? Give two reasons for your answer.

• Exercise 50: [Optional and could be used instead of Sniffy for designing an operant conditioning experiment for the Laboratory Manuscript.] How successful were you in shaping the cat to beg or walk on its hind legs? In what ways did your performance demonstrate the procedure of shaping?


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