Posted: September 13th, 2017



margins only have typing on the front side of each pagc. ll“ WP” ~ ‘ A ‘Wo rdcmhly

the conflict between good and evil pot1rnved in Beowulf.’. ‘ t

with n specific title. your

interrelated. specific points ofnnulysis. You are to Iuwc a separate tttlc pith‘ f ‘ n H: A‘

name. student number. course and section designation. and my iuune all on the upper hnlfo t p
I have made this topic rather broad. it is your responsibility to decide how to appruttclt “W WP”
develop your argument within limited parameters. Points you might cotisiiler, but are by no means

restricted to in composing your paper, include the symbolism associated with lieowulfas the epic l1¢fo

and the “monsters” (addressing no more than two monsters). the role of the (‘hristinn transcriber. early

(iennanic cultural notions of virtue and evil, and both Christian and pagan allusions in the poem. As llllfi

is your first writing assignment. I have listed a variety of suggestions regarding literary analysis below:

l ) Most important. rementber you are writing a literary analysis, not at plot summary.

2) Have a very specific thesis statement for your paper. Your entire paper should relate in some way
to your thesis.

3) Have specific topic sentences for your paragraphs. The topic sentence serves the same function
for a paragraph as the thesis statement does for the entire paper.

4) Avoid using contractions and abbreviations in formal literary analysis.

5) Avoid overusing “easy” verbs such as to be. to have, to use, and to do in your paper. Try to
employ a variety of precise verbs and synonyms in formulating your ideas.

6) Citations should account for no more that 10% of your paper. However, have a few short quotes
citing by line, not page, numbers. Generally avoid citations in your introductory and concluding

7) Do not make modem-day comparisons in your paper. Instead, focus on the specific cultural,
historical, and social settings of the poem itself.

8) Related to the previous point, strive to frame your analysis in terms of the specific historical,
litera , and cultural terms we have discussed in class, briefl definin such a conce t when ou
d _ P Y
intro uce it.

9) Very important: the only entities you may consult in writing your paper are the Writing Center

10) Have a specific title for your paper and remember the required title page format.

ll) Avoid firstperson (1, me, my, and we) and second person references (you and your) in formal


clichés (stock expressions) and colloquialisms (informal phrasing and diction) in formal


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